QUEEN ELIZABETH WAS AN ICONIC RULER Queen Elizabeth was an amazing monarch. Whether you admire her or not, there is no denying her rule was long and successful. I honestly don’t know as much about her as many others might,… Continue Reading →
Ok, so not even two days on a plant-based diet. More like by the end of the first day. Ugh. HERE’S THE STORY On Thursday, June 16th, 2022, I wrote the following journal entry – “After 15 months on a… Continue Reading →
FALL 2022 HAIR TRENDS I’ve been dying my hair since I was thirteen years old. I was born a toe-head blonde. Do kids these days even know what that means? I was the only child in my family of five… Continue Reading →
PUMPKIN SPICE, I’M A FAN! I don’t remember when I became aware of the popularity of Pumpkin Spice. I think it was probably long before social media was a thing. My sweet little mother was a terrific cook. But even… Continue Reading →
I HAVE BEEN A PROFESSIONAL PYROGRAPHER FOR A LONG TIME If you’ve followed me for very long, you know that I’m not only a fiction author, but I’m also an artist. In fact, I started burning art onto wood and… Continue Reading →
ABOUT BROWN PAPER COFFEE COMPANY My passion for great coffee and pastries began with a Swedish mother who was an avid baker and loved a steaming cup of the fragrant brew. In 1997, that passion grew into a mail-order gourmet… Continue Reading →
I’ve nicknamed this closet office my Cloffice. This is where I’m setting up a temporary work space until we move out onto our own acreage. Jeff and I moved from Forest Grove, Oregon to Tyler, Texas, last week. We set… Continue Reading →
Americans Expected To Celebrate Halloween This Year Like Never Before! Halloween candy sales are expected to sky-rocket this year! According to this article in CStoreDecisions the trend is definitely way UP! Anticipated spending is expected to hit $10.14 billion —… Continue Reading →
Release Date Back Story After publishing The Golden Telescope on December 22nd, 2019, I decided I wanted to release at least one book in my Jack and the Magic Hat Maker series each year until it’s done. I also discovered… Continue Reading →
Here’s your interactive tarot reading for today. First – Close your eyes and relax. Focus on that space just above and between your eyes…your Third Eye. Inhale deeply, then exhale three times. Second – Consider a specific question you’d like… Continue Reading →
I just finished listening to Book Two in Juliet Marillier’s amazing Blackthorn & Grim audiobooks series: Tower of Thorns. Wow. Just wow. This series is captivating. I have to admit, her writing has sucked me in, and now I am… Continue Reading →
Current Pyrography Projects I pretty much always have several pyrography projects in progress at any given time. Unless these burnings are for a paying client, I take my time on pieces, working on each as the mood strikes me. For… Continue Reading →
Here’s Your Interactive Tarot Reading For Today First – Close your eyes and relax. Focus on that space just above and between your eyes…your Third Eye. Inhale deeply, then exhale three times. Second – Consider a specific question you’d like… Continue Reading →
Wow. As I’m building out this website I decided to search my computer for old content from my other psychic and tarot sites of the past. A text file came up with some links to YouTube videos. These are from… Continue Reading →
Plant-Based Keto sounds like a crazy idea, when you first consider it. Right? I mean, isn’t one of the biggest attractions to a keto diet the fact that you can eat all that meat, poultry, fish, and eggs with abandon?… Continue Reading →
COMING SUMMER 2021! Millions of years before Jack Mac Paidin was born, a rift existed between the forces of good and evil, foisting one energy against the other. Each side possessed its proponents and initiates, seeking to sway all humankind… Continue Reading →
MIMI KIRK INTERVIEW – FEBRUARY 23RD, 2010 “Eighty Percent Raw online magazine editor, Tracy Partridge-Johnson chats with 71 year young Mimi Kirk about her designation as PETA’s 2009 pick for America’s Sexiest Vegetarian Woman Over 50. Listen in as Mimi… Continue Reading →
We decided to do this video review of The Good Chocolate because I’m an affiliate for the company. I recently received a sampling of their products, so I invited my daughter, Rachel, to join me for another video product review…. Continue Reading →
Video Trailer for The Golden Telescope – Book One in my Jack and the Magic Hat Maker middle-grade fantasy series. Hey Everyone! I’m SUPER EXCITED to have received this video trailer back from my videographer this morning! I got the… Continue Reading →
Let’s work our fashion magic from the ground up! These fashion-friendly Slip On Casual Loafers by Lostisy are not only adorable, but according to 291 reviewers, they rank 4.5 out of 5 stars for comfort, quality, and correct sizing. And… Continue Reading →
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