Episode 1 – This first live reading from The Golden Telescope features the Prologue, as well as Chapter One: Jack.

In the Prologue, we observe as a mysterious stranger magically materializes into a nursery where three small children are sleeping. He snips a clipping of hair from each of the children, placing them into envelopes, before vanishing into the night.

Chapter One introduces us to our protagonist, 12-year-old Jack Mac Paidin, and his best friend, Bart Flanagan. We learn that Jack’s parents were tragically killed in automobile collision 9-years prior, and Jack has chronic asthma attacks. We tag along with the boys as they explore Bart’s family business; Flanagan’s Hobby Shop in downtown Portland, Oregon. The boys examine an unusual, golden telescope Bart’s dad, Bill, discovered in the tunnels beneath the store. Excitement builds as Jack touches the scope and is psychically transported to a scene in another place and time. We are left anxiously anticipating what comes next in our story, following Episode 1.

CLICK HERE for Episode 2!

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