Book Four

in the Jack and the Magic Hat Maker series

When 13-year-old orphan Jack Mac Paidin learns he and his siblings descend from magical ancestors who come from another planet, Jack’s adventure intensifies. The Dark Cabal gains power and influence as Ethan, Jack’s older brother, is seduced by their evil aunt Inez to join their ranks.

Recruited by their great-grandmother Valdis, a demon queen from a realm known as Blarjord, Ethan becomes a frightening force to reckon with. Jack will face blood-sucking vampires, evil magic workers, dragons, orcs, and death-defying quests. But with the help of his best friend, Bart, he just might rescue his brother so that together, they can save the world by The Power of Three.

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The Risky Reunion

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Now Available In Audiobook Format

Books 1-3 in the Series


The Order of Light

Long before Jack Mac Paidin was born, a cataclysmic event shattered the fabric of time, dividing the sons and daughters of Man into two warring factions – the forces of good and evil.

Some were blessed with special gifts, skills, and abilities and became known among humans as Angels or Demons, each trying to win over the loyalty of the masses.

As these powerful entities interbred with humans, certain godlike abilities were passed down through bloodlines, giving their descendants an edge in the battle between light and darkness. Such was the heritage of the Mac Paidin family, whose members – Jack, Ethan, and Sadie – unbeknownst to them, inherited the coveted Power of Three.

But this tale is not just about magic and the supernatural. It delves into the mysteries of time travel, portals, and spells, taking readers on a thrilling ride through reality and fantasy, where the line between good and evil is blurred. As the series unfolds, this fifth installment reveals the origin of the Mac Paidin family’s powers and their significance in the battle for the fate of humanity.

Middle-Grade and Young Adult readers who love epic stories with a blend of action, mystery, and the paranormal will find themselves captivated by THE ORDER OF LIGHT. The journey of Jack and his companions promises to be an unforgettable adventure as they unravel the secrets of their past and seek vengeance against their enemies.


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The Dark Cabal book cover

The Dark Cabal

The moment has come to finally learn why Inez and Clara Mac Paidin are so devoted to the malevolent forces propelling them. And glimpse behind the veil to learn who orchestrated the battle for control of Jack and his siblings.

The Guardians of Dyrrheim, an ancient world comprised of two warring factions, the Angels of Vittajord, and the Demons of Blarjord, flourished as they fought for dominion among mortals. Humans gifted with special abilities by interbreeding or circumstance came to be revered as demigods…a select few bestowed with the eternal gift of immortality.

But others, because of their rebellion and evil nature, were denied this timelessness. Instead, these cursed souls were destined to live only brief, mortal lifetimes.

Unless they were able to find a loophole —

THE DARK CABAL – Book Six in the Jack and the Magic Hat Maker fantasy series takes us on a trip through time to the beginning of that evil secret society. Middle-graders and magic lovers of all ages will love the epic worlds, magical creatures, time travel, portals, spells, and suspense in the continuation of this fast-paced tale.


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