Will I see any benefit from adopting a carnivore diet? I decided to give it a try and find out for myself.

I was eating a whole-food, plant-based diet for several months (off and on for y-e-a-r-s!) but that wasn’t working for me. So, I decided to pull out all the stops and try this all-animal (no dairy for me) approach.

Why the dramatic shift in my diet and lifestyle? Many people would probably assume I was eating a plant-based diet for ethical reasons.

Not so.

I’m concerned about my own health, first and foremost.

And, for me, diet isn’t a religion.  More about that here.

Of course, I care about animals. Both from ethical as well as dietary perspectives. But that bird out in my yard has no qualms about pecking that living worm out of the grass for his supper. Nor do any number of other species on this planet who eat other living beings in order to survive and thrive. (Don’t even get me started on how many MORE life forms are killed through agriculture than via the conventional meat industry. Do your own research on the matter.)

Bottom line, for me, is I want to achieve optimal health. And I have some stubborn weight to lose.

So, the carnivore diet

I was first introduced to the idea (like almost everyone else) by watching Joe Rogan’s Interview with Dr. Shawn Baker. And that got me thinking.

Then I learned about the success Jordan Peterson and his daughter, Mikhaila, were having following a carnivore diet, again, watching Joe Rogan’s interviews with them. (I hadn’t realized the impact Joe Rogan has had on my personal life until this very moment, lol!) and I thought about it some more. But I still wasn’t convinced to try it myself.

Then one of my best girlfriends decided to try the carnivore diet…

And she became an evangelist.

She was constantly telling me why she was so passionate about this lifestyle and why she believes it is the holy grail of diets for the human species.

And I still wasn’t convinced.

In fact, I flat out resisted.

But over time, as my body continued to struggle to lose weight, and I started having little health concerns pop up (insomnia, skin problems, concerns about possible high blood pressure and insulin resistance), I decided to give the carnivore diet a shot.

Hell, I’d water-fasted for 7 days straight. This couldn’t be nearly that extreme.

And I share my experience in the video above.

I’d love to hear about your experience if you’ve also given the animals-only diet a try. Please leave your comments below.
