Raw Foods – I Used to Eat Loads of Them!

This post is mostly for me…to track my progress and how I’m feeling. So, it won’t be long.

After years of bouncing back and forth between a HFLC (High Fat Low Carb) Keto-Carnivore diet and a LFHC (Low Fat High Carb) WFPB (Whole Food Plant Based) diet – incorporating mostly cooked whole plant foods…and just continuing to gain weight and feel sub-standard, I decided I’ve had enough!

So, about three (3) days ago…I’m not really sure because I didn’t track it…but about March 1st, 2021…I decided to go back to a mostly raw foods way of eating. And here are my initial observations:

  1. First and foremost – as always…I’m noticing a HUGE improvement in my…well, to be blunt…bowel movements. That’s right. Without getting into the nasty details. Let’s just say that there is no more damn toilet bowl sludge or the perpetual wipe. Omg. Raw foods cleans all of that right up! When Charmin says “Enjoy the go” they have no idea until they’ve tried eating only whole, raw foods!
  2. Tonight, after dinner, I just noticed a significant difference in my energy level and overall attitude and outlook. I’m definitely feeling more energized with a sense of well-being that has been missing for a long time!
  3. I’m not hungry. And I’m not having severe hunger pangs when I do feel like eating…unlike when eating both animal-based Keto or plant-based cooked foods. My hunger is feeling really and truly satisfied. I’m FULL. And if I want to eat something, I do. I’ll have some blended fruit Nice Cream or something like that.
  4. I was down two pounds this morning from my weight yesterday morning.

Here’s What I Ate Today

(I’m not being dogmatic about being “fully raw” or not consuming any overt fats, like olive oil, avocado, or olives.)


Black decaf coffee until about noon, when I had a pitcher-full of green smoothie. Ingredients were:

About 2 cups of chopped frozen spinach, about 1/3 c. frozen orange juice concentrate, 2 bananas, vanilla, 4 stevia packets, about 2-3 c. frozen mixed fruit (peaches, mangoes, strawberries, pineapple), some nutrient powders from HB Naturals (1 scoop each; Mind, Body, Soul, and Slimmer) then water to almost the top of the pitcher. I gave Jeff one large shaker glass full of smoothie before I added the nutrient powders. I drank what was left in the full-to-the-top VitaMix pitcher.


Around 3:30 I made a huge salad consisting of: a handful of black olives – sliced, slivered red onion, red bell pepper, crimini mushrooms, minced garlic, shredded coleslaw blend, 1 small head of romaine, 1/2 a medium avocado, nutritional yeast, a handful of pumpkin seeds, spirulina powder, and topped with homemade ‘ranch-style’ dressing made of cannalini beans, apple cider vinegar, juice of 1 lime, and spices. I chopped that all up together then ate half of it until I was too full to eat anymore. I saved the rest (about half) for later.


At about 6:00 I had a frozen mango/avocado Nice Cream using the other half of the avocado from earlier and enough frozen mango chunks to fill a Magic Bullet cup. I added 4 packets stevia, about a tablespoon of pure maple syrup, vanilla extract, almond extract, and about 1/2 c. almond milk.

Later I sipped two healthy glasses of red wine and nibbled 2 squares of Lindt 85% dark chocolate while Jeff ate his dinner and we watched a show. I got hungry a little later, so I ate the other half of my salad.

I finished off my night with a tablespoon each of PuraThrive Curcumin Gold and Radiant C, plus a serving of their Liposomal B12 supplement.

And I am so good. I’m full, satisfied, and feel really great!

I’ll continue to track my progress here.