EATING PLANTS – I LOST WEIGHT Eating plants, all animals, some of each. Which is best? I know, I know. <sigh> If you’ve been following me for any length of time at all, you know that my struggle with diet… Continue Reading →
Plant-Based Keto sounds like a crazy idea, when you first consider it. Right? I mean, isn’t one of the biggest attractions to a keto diet the fact that you can eat all that meat, poultry, fish, and eggs with abandon?… Continue Reading →
MIMI KIRK INTERVIEW – FEBRUARY 23RD, 2010 “Eighty Percent Raw online magazine editor, Tracy Partridge-Johnson chats with 71 year young Mimi Kirk about her designation as PETA’s 2009 pick for America’s Sexiest Vegetarian Woman Over 50. Listen in as Mimi… Continue Reading →
Raw Foods – I Used to Eat Loads of Them! This post is mostly for me…to track my progress and how I’m feeling. So, it won’t be long. After years of bouncing back and forth between a HFLC (High Fat… Continue Reading →
Markus Was One of My Early Raw Food Heroes. Back in 2007 I began a journey in search of the optimal diet for healing and disease prevention. That search led me to a mostly raw food diet. I’ve written a… Continue Reading →
Now, here’s something we all need for Halloween…like a hole in the head, lol! *Thanks to’s Editorial Fellow, Megan Schaltegger, for this entertaining and delightful post making me aware of the trendy new cup! But seriously, I’m a huge… Continue Reading →
MY AMAZING MARY’S MINI RESULTS I gotta tell you…after 10 days on the Mary’s Mini version of Dr. John McDougall’s Starch Solution I was pretty happy with my results! Not only did I lose weight, but I’m also noticing some… Continue Reading →
I’ve been following the 10-Day Mary’s Mini version of Dr. John McDougall’s The Starch Solution weight-loss plan, and today is Day 8. These are my thoughts and experience so far. I talk, in detail, about the differences between the two… Continue Reading →
Are you as confused about diet and all the freaking weight-loss programs and theories out there as I am? In this Car-Chat video I share (most of) my personal story about the struggle I’ve been through trying to lose weight… Continue Reading →
I’m sitting here in pain. Abdominal pain. It started late yesterday afternoon and it’s now 8:05 the next morning. It kept me awake most of the night. It’s a digestive thing. Nothing too serious…I can just tell. You know…the kind… Continue Reading →
I’m trying Nature’s Wild Berries for the very first time. They are a crazy, amazing, natural way to experience sweetness in food without added sugars or artificial sweeteners! *Clarification – Hank’s pants are a 32 inch waist…not size 32, lol!… Continue Reading →
Have you been experiencing diet confusion? Frustrated by all of the conflicting and contradictory diet and nutrition messages out there? In particular, there is a major difference of opinion as to whether a low-carb, ketogenic diet, or a low-fat whole-foods/plant-based… Continue Reading →
Tracy talks about her experience going on a variety of different kinds of low-fat vegan plans (Raw Till 4, The Starch Solution) Successes, failures, random thoughts…and fun factoids about the nutrition found in red wine.
I wanted to share this day’s worth of eating on a low-fat, plant-based, starch-centered diet. This is mostly a dinner meal prep video with some discussion about my current size and my weight-loss objectives.
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