The Golden Telescope – Episode 11
By Tracy Partridge-Johnson / December 12, 2020 / No Comments / Jack Videos, VIDEO, WRITING
Episode 11 – in this live reading from The Golden Telescope – Book One in my Jack and the Magic Hat Maker middle-grade fantasy series, I read Chapters Nineteen – Transparency and Twenty – Vanished.
In Chapter Nineteen, we join Bart and his dad, Bill, as they talk about Bill’s connection to Jack’s dad, Ross, and the rest of the Mac Paidin family. We learn about how and why Bill moved to Portland, Oregon from Dublin, Ireland and that Sir Edward suspected Jack’s parents’ death was not an accident.
In Chapter Twenty, we watch as Jack’s Uncle Earl discovers Jack is missing and begins making phone calls to try to find him. The scene shifts back to Bill and Bart where Bill received a phone call from Earl informing him that Jack is missing and that he doesn’t have either his phone or backpack. We also watch as Bill uses one of his special abilities to discover where Jack is and who he is with!
What comes next in our story following Episode 11? Stay tuned for more readings!
Did you miss Episode 10? Be sure to catch up before you listen to our next chapters!
And join me as I read chapters from my books, three (3) days each week; M-W-F on My YouTube channel.
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