My Un Handy Man

My Un-Handyman

by Melody Carson


At least that was the motto I’d always gone by up until meeting Emily.

But then again, no good deed goes unpunished. There’s that one, too.
She needed a hand, and I had the time.
What was the harm in pretending to be a handyman if it helped my pretty ranch owner neighbor out? Besides, how hard could it be?
But now I’m realizing that there are certain things even a billionaire like me can’t pull off. Like knowing how to rewire the lighting on an entire barn. Or even lay water pipe. (And who’s Allen, and why would I want his wrench?)

Worse yet, I’m starting to really like Emily and realize that she isn’t going to take this little ruse very well when I tell her the truth. That I’m not-so-handy after all.

But her legacy—and Emily—are in danger

And even if I could forget about the hottest kiss of my life, there’s no way I can back down from protecting the woman who gave it to me. Or the ranch that was rightfully hers.

Defending what and who I love is one of the things I’m good at, after all.


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