Sweet Indulgence That Isn’t A Sin

SWEET INDULGENCE THAT ISN’T A SIN Sweet Indulgences are naughty, right? Let’s find out. Do you even know the meaning of the word Indulgence? According to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary: an indulgence is the act of indulging in something. And indulging is further defined as: Willing to …

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Tracy - Sept. 9, 2022

Eating Plants -Diet Journal – Down Two Pounds

EATING PLANTS – I LOST WEIGHT Eating plants, all animals, some of each. Which is best? I know, I know. <sigh> If you’ve been following me for any length of time at all, you know that my struggle with diet is real. I’m definitely what …

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Diet Journal - June 16, 2022

Just Two Days Back on a Plant-Based Diet

Ok, so not even two days on a plant-based diet. More like by the end of the first day. Ugh. HERE’S THE STORY On Thursday, June 16th, 2022, I wrote the following journal entry – “After 15 months on a low-fat, plant-based diet, here are …

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Markus Rothkranz - Before and after Raw Foods
Mary's Mini - Day 8 - My Experience

The Starch Solution vs. Mary’s Mini

I’ve been following the 10-Day Mary’s Mini version of Dr. John McDougall’s The Starch Solution weight-loss plan, and today is Day 8. These are my thoughts and experience so far. I talk, in detail, about the differences between the two plans and why I’m choosing …

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Low Carb High Fat or High Carb Low Fat

Low Carb High Fat or High Carb Low Fat – My Personal Story

Are you as confused about diet and all the freaking weight-loss programs and theories out there as I am? In this Car-Chat video I share (most of) my personal story about the struggle I’ve been through trying to lose weight and achieve optimal health and …

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Breaking News – Perfect Keto Cinnamon Roll Bars New Product Launch

I have news that’s going to sweeten up your day (without a blood sugar spike). Perfect Keto has launched a new delicious Keto Bar flavor!   Introducing Cinnamon Roll Keto Bars 🙌 🙌 🙌   Prepare your taste buds for delectable, cinnamon fireworks fresh out …

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Beef and Vegetables

My Diet Struggle – Keto-Carnivore or Vegan?

I’m sitting here in pain. Abdominal pain. It started late yesterday afternoon and it’s now 8:05 the next morning. It kept me awake most of the night. It’s a digestive thing. Nothing too serious…I can just tell. You know…the kind you feel after eating too …

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Tracking My Wild Berry Weight Loss - Day 1

Tracking My Wild Berry Weight Loss – Day 1

Day One of my weight-loss adventure using Nature’s Wild Berries. I’m helping Hank and Juliano launch a home-party division of this business so let me know if you’d like to either try the berries yourself or if you are interested in jumping in at the …

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My First Experience Trying Magic Berries

My First Experience Trying Magic Berries

I’m trying Nature’s Wild Berries for the very first time. They are a crazy, amazing, natural way to experience sweetness in food without added sugars or artificial sweeteners! *Clarification – Hank’s pants are a 32 inch waist…not size 32, lol! IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN …

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Diet Confusion: Keto vs. Vegan

Diet Confusion: Keto vs. Plant-Based

Have you been experiencing diet confusion? Frustrated by all of the conflicting and contradictory diet and nutrition messages out there? In particular, there is a major difference of opinion as to whether a low-carb, ketogenic diet, or a low-fat whole-foods/plant-based diet is the better choice …

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My Progress On A Low-Fat High-Carb Diet

My Progress On A Low-Fat High-Carb Diet

Tracy talks about her experience going on a variety of different kinds of low-fat vegan plans (Raw Till 4, The Starch Solution) Successes, failures, random thoughts…and fun factoids about the nutrition found in red wine.

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Weight-loss On A Low-Fat, High-Carb, Starch-Based Diet

Weight-loss On A Low-Fat, High-Carb, Starch-Based Diet

Tracy talks about her struggle with weight and body image and the various diets and programs she has been on to try to lose the excess weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. She also explains why she has decided to commit to a low-fat, high-carb, …

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Whole-Foods Thanksgiving

Have A Healthy, Happy Thanksgiving

For many people Thanksgiving dinner is the single biggest family feast of the year. It represents a time of gathering together, rebuilding bonds of love and friendship, sharing thoughts and feelings of gratitude for blessings received, and the centerpiece is always the meal. Food is …

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Nov. 19, 2013

Menopause and Raw Foods

Menopause Can Be a Challenge In 2000, at age 38, for the first time in my life, I started experiencing some strange health concerns. We had recently moved to a 20-acre piece of property we purchased in Central Oregon and were drinking the local, city …

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