Release Date Back Story

After publishing The Golden Telescope on December 22nd, 2019, I decided I wanted to release at least one book in my Jack and the Magic Hat Maker series each year until it’s done. 

I also discovered fiction author Sarra Cannon’s YouTube channel and learned about the Rapid Release method for building a large following for your book series, which is brilliant. This system says to write several books before publishing any of them. Then release them within a few weeks or months of the others. In this way, you keep your audience engaged and wanting more.

I didn’t know about this system before I published the first book in my series, so I kind of jumped the gun on that. But I figured I could “play catch up” and start releasing rapidly from now on. 

I published book two, The Kidnapping King, less than one year later. And I felt really great about that! 

Being the optimist I am, I was hoping to release two books this year. But I didn’t realize what a challenge we would be facing in 2020 and 2021. So, my writing schedule got severely impacted. 

Originally, I scheduled the release date of Book Three: The Magical Legacy for June 15th, 2021. I picked that date for a couple of reasons; 1. That date marks essentially halfway through the year. So, I should have had time to write and release Book Four before Christmas. And 2. June 15th is the day my dad died. It was on Father’s day in 2008. And since my dad’s real-life orphan story inspired Jack’s character, I thought that would be a nice touch.

But the emotional impact of the past year and a half has taken a toll.

I just haven’t been able to dig into the writing as I would have liked. 

Don’t get me wrong. I have thousands of words and several chapters written. But I’m not on track to complete the story within the next couple of weeks. On top of that, there is the matter of allowing time for professional editing, plus layout and formatting of the manuscript, cover illustration, and design to consider.

So, yeah, I’ve decided to give myself some grace and move the publish date out to sometime this fall.

I AM committed to releasing at least one book this year.

I’ll focus on writing Book Four for release next year. (Hint: I’m going to change the order a bit and get back to Jack and Bart in Book Four. Stay Tuned!)

I think I’m more of a one-book-a-year kind of author, lol!

If you’d like to be one of the first to read Book Three – The Magical Legacy, you can ORDER IT HERE.