Episode 6 in this live reading from The Golden Telescope features Chapters Nine – Cliff Notes, and Ten – Uncle Earl & Aunt Lizzie.

In Chapter Nine, we join Sir Edward and his captors on the Cliffs of Moher, Ireland.

In Chapter Ten, we meet Bill Flanagan, Bart’s dad, and owner of Flanagan’s Hobby Shop. Bill gives Jack a ride home where Jack is confronted by his Uncle Earl and Aunt Lizzie. Jack notices the ring on his uncle’s hand is now glowing a vibrant red, and Uncle Earl reveals an unbelievable truth about his family bloodline. Not only that, Uncle Earl tells Jack he is not having seizures, and what he is experiencing is a normal development for people with magical abilities.

What comes next in our story, following Episode 6? Stay tuned for more readings!

Did you miss Episode 5? Be sure to catch up before you listen to our next chapters!

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