What are you resolved to accomplish in 2024?

Two years ago this coming New Year’s Eve, Jeff and I looked at one another and came to a firm decision: We were leaving our home state of Oregon and moving across the country to a completely unknown city in North East Texas.

We further decided to sell everything we owned, besides what would fit in the back of our little Kia Soul hatchback, and hit the road. Fresh start. New adventure.

The following two months were a flurry of snapping photos and posting our worldly possessions on Facebook MarketPlace. Two months later, on Friday, February 25th, 2022 we loaded up our car and made the three-day drive to Tyler, our new town.

And in the two years since we made that decision we have accomplished a LOT!

But Let’s Not Get Ahead of Ourselves

You might be wondering WHY?

What motivated us to make such a drastic choice at 60 years of age?

Well, first and foremost…freedom.

You might remember Portland in the news from, like, 2016 to 2020. Basically, the city and state we knew and loved had gone to hell in a handbasket. Much of that had to do with the way the governor at the time dealt with the Covid situation. Personal freedoms were severely restricted, and many of the things we used to adore about downtown died or were severely impacted by all the events of those years.

Add to that the appeal of lower cost of living…for example, gas prices in the Greater Portland Metro area at the time we left were pushing $5.00 per gallon. In Texas, it was hovering around $3.20. (The photo below was snapped on March 1st, 2022 at a local gas station in our town.)

Gas Price at the Pump in Tyler – March 1, 2022

And what was a $500K+ house in the area could be had for under 200K in Texas. So, we decided it was time for a change.

Two Years Later

We have purchased a 2-acre plot of land, had it cleared, and in the last month,

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we bought a nice fifth-wheel trailer to put on the land so that we can live on-site while we build our forever homestead. Today the gravel pad for the RV was laid, and our well is being drilled as I type this.

What Are My Plans For 2024?

For the time being, I’m putting my pyrography on the back burner. I won’t have space inside our RV for a burning station. And I don’t want to smoke up the interior, anyhow.

Much of our time will be spent focused on improving the land.

After we are living on-site, our next major project will be constructing an office building. Since we both work from home, having spaces we can escape to for doing our work will be a major priority, since the fifth wheel will be kind of cramped.

Next…what will we want to do? Build a deck for the RV? Lay sod or other landscaping material? Create a firepit for outdoor adventures with the grandkids. Eventually, we plan to build an actual house. But one step at a time.
I Think I Want to Focus More on Spirituality

High-speed internet is an imperative because we both work from home, so we will be getting Starlink for reliable connectivity. And most of my paying work these days comes from author promotions. I will continue to do that, and even expand my current offerings. But a few years ago I made my income primarily from my spiritual coaching work. I have www.Seersie.com and have been feeling a pull toward building out that spiritual community more. I love offering guidance and insight for people, so it feels like the right direction for me to focus more energy on that website during this transitional period in my life.

And, of course, there will be more writing. 😉
What Will You Focus On In 2024?

I most sincerely would love to hear from you and learn all about where you plan to put your energy and focus in the coming year.

In Closing

2024 is kind of a pivotal year for me.

First of all – I was born on January 24th. So there’s that.

But I was born in 1962. And this year I will be 62 years old.

So, it feels like an exceptionally meaningful year.

There are lots of exciting developments on the horizon.

I’ll be sure to keep you posted.

*Jewelry crafting is also calling my name again…so, I expect to spend more time being creative in ways I haven’t in quite a while now.

Lots of blessings on the horizon!

I wish you and yours a Very Happy New Year!



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