Klaus Mikaelson Portrait
By Tracy Partridge-Johnson / June 18, 2019 / No Comments / BLOG, PYROGRAPHY
Klaus Mikaelson is my favorite character from the television series’ The Vampire Diaries and The Originals.
I knew I wanted to create a series of burnings depicting several of the characters from both shows. It was no contest deciding which character I wanted to burn first!
Klaus is the bad guy you hate to love.
He is capable of unimaginable evil and viciousness…while at the same time possessing such a depth of personality…culture, elegance, dignity, passion, devotion, and even sensitivity, with a tender heart for those select few he is devoted to. The storyline shows us that he only became evil as a result of the abuse and injustice he suffered at the hands of those he has loved. So, I really dig the way the directors of the show developed his character.
All told…I probably have about 20 hours into burning this piece.
He is not for sale…copyright infringement law and all that. But if he WERE…and guestimating I’ll finish at about 25 hours…his price would be $1,500.
If you like this piece, I’m guessing you’re going to love my Severus Snape burning!
See more of my projects…both for fun and commissions for clients…on my website –
Lonestar Pyrography
You can contact me at my website above if you’re interested in hiring me for your own, original work of pyrography art!