Swords - VII

Seven of Swords from Ciro Marchetti’s Tarot of Dreams deck


strategy, mental tests, deception, gathering information, breaking agreements, partial success, sneakiness, confidences betrayed, trickery, element of chaos, hidden motives, subversion


This is a card about doing what serves your own ends, even if the means are deceptive or manipulative.

When this card comes up, it could be that you have stolen something from another or someone has stolen it from you. It could be that you are sneaking around behind someone’s back or that someone is not being upfront with you. You could be stealing time for yourself, playing hooky to be alone with your thoughts, or avoiding confrontation.

Using clever mind tricks to get what you want is indicated by the Seven of Swords. Sometimes manipulating a situation to get our way is called for. However, there is a warning here to be mindful of how your actions impact those involved.

Research is sometimes indicated by this card: collecting the ideas of others for your own work. Beware of plagiarism; check your citations carefully.

Finally, this card could indicate that we are plagued by guilt over something we’ve done or even something we are thinking of doing. If this is the case, look for a more honorable way to achieve what you want. There may be time to correct the situation.

ADVICE: Indirect action is required.


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