This is a short, time-lapse video clip of me working on burning a Vikings piece based on the Netflix series by the same name.
I’m Swedish on my mother’s side so, have always felt a real connection with that Norse ancestry. I really loved this series…watched the entire thing all the way through, twice, lol! So, this piece is a “just for fun” project for me!

Below you’ll find an update video depicting the progress I’m making on the Vikings piece. It’s still a work-in-progress. I like to keep several of my own in various stages of completion so that I have something to work on when I’m not busy with a client project. If you like this piece, you’ll probably also like my Harry Potter piece here.

Time-lapse is so awesome…this 60-second video represents about 2 hours of burn time.

See more of my projects…both for fun and commissions for clients…on my website –
Lonestar Pyrography

You can contact me at my website above if you’re interested in hiring me for your own, original work of pyrography art!

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