Homesteading Ain’t For Us

I know, I know…I’m late writing this update. Things have been happening around the homestead and in our lives. So, I’m a little delayed this month.

We Had No Idea

Jeff and I have decided that homesteading, at least at this point in our lives, is not what it’s cracked up to be—not for us, anyway.

It’s been six months since we moved our beautiful fifth-wheel onto our two-acre parcel of land in NE Texas. And…it’s been nothing but one problem after another.

From power outages (about 15 of them, lasting from hours to days at a time) to severe private country road erosion to water pressure and quality problems, bugs, pests, and weed control, and finally…the shootings…in our immediate vicinity…sometimes starting at 11:30 at night and continuing until after 5:30 the following morning. Don’t get me wrong…we’re huge Second Amendment supporters. But…safety first. And sleep. And peace of mind.

So, Ya, We’re Done

We decided to buy a little house in a small town that’s more our style. The purchase is complete now, but we’ve been doing some work on the place before we make the move, such as painting, new carpets, and tree removal, so we can still use Starlink for reliable high-speed internet service, etc.

Jeff and I Will Finally Have Home Offices Again

Which is a good thing since I desperately need to dig into writing! With THREE books currently available on Pre-Order (The Order of Light: Book Five in my Jack and the Magic Hat Maker series, The Sumerian Sorceress: Book One in my brand new Isabella the Invisible series, and The Dark Cabal: Book Six in my Jack and the Magic Hat Maker series) I’m just a little bit on deadline to get these books finished up and ready to publish. And it’s been difficult to get into the author’s mindset in our current close-knit, confined fifth-wheel environment. So, I’m very excited to be moving into my new office space! Expect writing updates in the weeks and months ahead!

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