Episode 5 – The Golden Telescope
By Tracy Partridge-Johnson / November 23, 2020 / No Comments / Jack Videos, VIDEO, WRITING
Episode 5 in this live reading from The Golden Telescope features Chapters Seven – Deception, and Eight – The Portal.
In Chapter Seven, Thaddeus O’Brien notifies Inez Mac Paidin of Arthur’s appearance in Ethan’s bedroom. He tells her that her father, Sir Edward Mac Paidin, sent the family butler to abduct the boy, and take him to the ancestral home in Dublin, Ireland. Together they devise a plan for deceiving Ethan so that he will go along with their evil plot, and they will gain access to his magical abilities.
In Chapter Eight, Arthur returns to Mac Paidin Manor from his visit to see Ethan in Salt Lake City, Utah. The butler relays his experience listening in on the boy and his uncle, and Ethan’s betrayal of Arthur’s presence to Thaddeus. He and Sir Edward are surprised when a shimmering portal appears in the observation room of the mansion.
What comes next in our story, following Episode 5? Stay tuned for more readings!
Did you miss Episode 4? Be sure to catch up before you listen to our next chapters!
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