Episode 4 – The Golden Telescope
By Tracy Partridge-Johnson / November 20, 2020 / No Comments / Jack Videos, VIDEO, WRITING
Episode 4 in this live reading from The Golden Telescope features Chapters Five – The Telescope and Six – The Dark Cabal.
In Chapter Five, we return to the scene with Jack and Bart at Flanagan’s Hobby Shop in downtown Portland, Oregon. The two boys try to figure out the cause of Jack’s recent visionary experience when he touched the golden telescope.
In Chapter Six, we learn more about Jack’s aunts, Inez and Clara Mac Paidin, and the roles they plan in the evil organization known as The Dark Cabal. We meet other members of the organization and gain insight into some of their devices and motivations. Some key magical elements are revealed with an exciting twist at the end of the chapter!
What comes next in our story, following Episode 4? Stay tuned for more readings!
Did you miss Episode 3? Be sure to catch up before you listen to our next chapters!
And join me as I read chapters from my books, three (3) days each week; M-W-F on My YouTube channel.
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