Eight of PentaclesEight Of Pentacles

KEYWORDS: meaningful work, precision, commitment, stocking up, repetition, training, learning, selling something, economy, cunning, practical success, commissioned work, vanity


Today is a day to focus on your craft. Don’t be lazy. Don’t cut corners. What you are creating or doing is a reflection of who you are. Put in the work you know you are capable of. It is so worth it.

This card portrays a young man working diligently and happily on a project. He has already completed a great deal of his task and is focused on maintaining the quality of his work.

When this card appears in a reading, this type of focused and satisfying work is indicated. It may be that you will soon be employed in steady and rewarding work, that you need to persevere in a matter that is near completion, or that you are learning a great deal through work that may seem repetitive.

Regardless of the details, this is a card of nearing mastery and maintaining effort and focus until the end.

ADVICE: Seek right livelihood.


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