Markus Was One of My Early Raw Food Heroes. Back in 2007 I began a journey in search of the optimal diet for healing and disease prevention. That search led me to a mostly raw food diet. I’ve written a… Continue Reading →
Are you as confused about diet and all the freaking weight-loss programs and theories out there as I am? In this Car-Chat video I share (most of) my personal story about the struggle I’ve been through trying to lose weight… Continue Reading →
Day One of my weight-loss adventure using Nature’s Wild Berries. I’m helping Hank and Juliano launch a home-party division of this business so let me know if you’d like to either try the berries yourself or if you are interested… Continue Reading →
Have you been experiencing diet confusion? Frustrated by all of the conflicting and contradictory diet and nutrition messages out there? In particular, there is a major difference of opinion as to whether a low-carb, ketogenic diet, or a low-fat whole-foods/plant-based… Continue Reading →
Tracy talks about her experience going on a variety of different kinds of low-fat vegan plans (Raw Till 4, The Starch Solution) Successes, failures, random thoughts…and fun factoids about the nutrition found in red wine.
I wanted to share this day’s worth of eating on a low-fat, plant-based, starch-centered diet. This is mostly a dinner meal prep video with some discussion about my current size and my weight-loss objectives.
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