Beautiful Mature Women

Best Skincare Ingredients for Mature Skin: A Guide to Healthy, Youthful Skin As skin matures, it requires specialized care to maintain its elasticity, hydration, and overall radiance. Choosing the best skincare ingredients for mature skin can make a significant difference in preventing premature aging and enhancing skin health. Here’s aContinue Reading

Eight of Pentacles

I think that’s a bunch of hooie You’ve probably heard it said that if you don’t choose a single occupation and allow your life to be defined by that one thing, you will never become truly successful in life. “Jack of all trades, master of none.” And I understand whyContinue Reading

Jeff and Tracy Speaking at Seattle Hempfest

Who Really Controls the Media? On June 28th, 2001, Jeff and I published a full-page ad in Portland, Oregon’s alternative news-weekly, Willamette Week, brandishing the outrageous headline: We’re Jeff and Tracy. We’re Your Good Neighbors. We Smoke Pot. You can read the text and view our original ad below –Continue Reading

The Coconut Oil Miracle has been in my Kindle library for several years now. I’m currently re-reading it, and I find so much valuable information in its pages that I thought I’d share it with my family, friends, and followers.  I came across the following testimonial as I was readingContinue Reading

New House

Homesteading Ain’t For Us I know, I know…I’m late writing this update. Things have been happening around the homestead and in our lives. So, I’m a little delayed this month. We Had No Idea Jeff and I have decided that homesteading, at least at this point in our lives, isContinue Reading

Jack and the Magic Hat Maker - Boxed Set 1

★★★★★FUN AND MAGICAL! This is a fun, fast read for all ages. If you’re a Percy Jackson and Harry Potter fan, this book is for you. Hard to put down. I almost finished it in one night ~Kindle Customer BUY THE BOX SET Jack and the Magic Hat Maker (eBook)Continue Reading

My Books

I’ve published more than 20 books; Fiction Non-Fiction Coloring Books Workbooks & Journals CHECK OUT ALL MY BOOKSContinue Reading

Matthew Perry Tribute

View some of my pyrography (wood burning) pieces on wood and leather. Order a Custom Portrait, Sign, or Other Piece MY PYROGRAPHY SERVICES  Continue Reading

The Risky Reunion - ebook

When 13-year-old orphan Jack Mac Paidin learns he and his siblings descend from magical ancestors who come from another planet, his adventure intensifies. The Dark Cabal gains power and influence as Ethan, Jack’s older brother, is seduced by their evil aunt Inez to join their ranks. Recruited by their great-grandmotherContinue Reading

Temperance - XIV

Temperance Temperance is a card of integration and finding balance. Now is a time of adjustment. Two or more things are coming together to create something new. You may be integrating your life with someone else’s, integrating your work and home lives, or integrating spirituality into your everyday life. WhateverContinue Reading

Queen of Cups tarot card

The Queen of Cups nurtures intuition and is sensitive to the emotional states of those around her. She helps people connect with the subtle currents of life’s flow and advises on relationships, compromising, and accommodation. She is a loving and protective mother. She is also generous and caring, giving othersContinue Reading

Isabella the Invisible - The Sumerian Sorceress

Book One Starts in the Ancient Land of Sumer You might be surprised to learn how much research is required to write fiction. At least _good_ fiction. I do a LOT of research for my books. I actually LOVE researching topics that interest me. And I’m super intrigued by anthropologyContinue Reading

The Elusive Flash of Lightning

Gems of Learning from the Opal Fields by Paul V. Young This is a true adventure that took place just over fifty years ago at Lightning Ridge, the home of unique Australian black opals in outback NSW. I arrived before my eighteenth birthday, making me the youngest miner working onContinue Reading