I think that’s a bunch of hooie

Eight of Pentacles

Original Ai-Generated Art designed by Tracy Partridge-Johnson. All rights reserved.

You’ve probably heard it said that if you don’t choose a single occupation and allow your life to be defined by that one thing, you will never become truly successful in life.

“Jack of all trades, master of none.”

And I understand why people say that. I do.

But I tend to look at things a little differently.

The way I figure it, we only have this one life to live…at least that we can be sure of. So I’ve long embraced a philosophy that says

“Juice life for all it’s worth!”

I kind of detest the idea of being put into a single box, and that one thing defines who I am.

Because I’m so much more than that!

And YOU are, too!

Life is too short…and too long to devote my time and attention to just one thing. I want to taste and experience everything this world has to offer.

So, I guess I’m less worried about what people think of me and more about all I’ve had the chance to see, feel, and experience during the short time I’m allotted in this place.


I know it can be confusing, from the outside looking in.

“I” can be confusing.

Because I have done so many different things. And I don’t intend to change that about myself.

But I guess I’m a little curious about what people think of when they hear my name. Perhaps that…

  • I’m a fiction writer or
  • A pyrography artist
  • Spiritual coach & tarot reader
  • I’m an online publisher who promotes other authors
  • A handcrafted jewelry designer
  • Passionate about health and healing with whole foods
  • I used to be Mormon
  • Enthusiastic about self-sufficient living
  • A defender of truth, freedom, and the American way of life
  • I’m a loving and devoted partner, mother, grandma, sister, friend
  • Or any number of other things

How would others define YOU?

Have you chosen to focus on one thing…occupation or ‘calling’…that you’ve dedicated your entire life to mastering?

Or are you more like me, sampling all the many delicacies this existence has to offer?

Are you HAPPY with your choice?

Would you do something different, if you started over again?

Do you LIKE being defined by what you do?

Or are you a bit of a nomad, wandering from place to place, experience to experience?

Do you embrace the idea that you must decide on becoming a single thing?

I’d love to know.

Drop a comment below and share your thoughts with me. And let me know if I can help you with your decision.

*OH! And as an after-thought – I just updated my website! I hope you’ll visit and tell me what you think!

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