Mary's Mini - 10 Day Results

Mary’s Mini: Amazing! 5 Pounds In 10 Days!

MY AMAZING MARY'S MINI RESULTS I gotta tell you...after 10 days on the Mary's Mini version of Dr. John McDougall's Starch Solution I was pretty happy with my results! Not only did I lose weight, but I'm also noticing some other health conditions improving in that short time. Yes, I lost 5 pounds in 10 days...which is incredible...but I also noticed my skin looking better and my energy improving! Honestly, I'm not completely sure if my success...
Mary's Mini - Day 8 - My Experience

The Starch Solution vs. Mary’s Mini

I've been following the 10-Day Mary's Mini version of Dr. John McDougall's The Starch Solution weight-loss plan, and today is Day 8. These are my thoughts and experience so far. I talk, in detail, about the differences between the two plans and why I'm choosing to try the Mary's Mini version instead of the basic plan. Basically, for either plan you make starch the center of every meal you eat. The biggest difference is that on the basic plan,...