The Golden Telescope

The Golden Telescope

BOOK ONE in the JACK and the MAGIC HAT MAKER series. Anyone who loves magic, mystery, and time-travel will love this first installment in the new 9-book series about 12-year old Jack Mac Paidin and his adventures in time and space. Twelve-year old Jack Mac Paidin’s life is miserable. His parents are dead, and he’s stuck with his heartless aunt and uncle, who make him live in the cold, dank basement. Then his life takes a crazy turn when he...
Update - Jack and the Magic Hat Maker - Sept. 5, 2019

UPDATE – My YA Fantasy Fiction Novel Series

Update and significant changes to the way the story starts and some core character changes for Book One: The Golden Telescope in my Young Adult Fantasy Fiction series: Jack and the Magic Hat Maker. Beta-Readers - Visit THIS PAGE for a link to where you can sign up to receive new chapters as they come available for review.

Copyright ©2009-2024 Tracy Partridge-Johnson. All rights reserved.